I'm havn't been a JW for years but I remain convinced that speaking in tongues is a deception from the spirit realm.
Once had a person on the doors speak to me in tongues when I asked him if he could do it at will. That was creepy!
with the increase in evangelical churches there seems to be a lot more emphasis on the practise of "speaking in tongues".
i quite like the way these churches conduct services, with live music and great singing.
it is so different to the kh meetings and like fresh air.
I'm havn't been a JW for years but I remain convinced that speaking in tongues is a deception from the spirit realm.
Once had a person on the doors speak to me in tongues when I asked him if he could do it at will. That was creepy!
i haven't made any yet, not sure if i will or not.
i did make some resloutions last year and for the most part did stick with them.. i had this link sent to me on facebook, thought i'd share it here for those of you that did make resloutions and need help sticking with them.. .
Stop wasting my precious time surfing bloody JW websites - FAILED ALREADY HAHA!
i don't know if there is a god.
if i knew for certain, this piece of knowledge could serve as a foundation for my world view.
some people are confident they know the answer (both theists and atheists) and their world view is based on this faith.
If you allow for the possibility of God's existence but feel belief in God is not warranted because you don't consider there is enough evidence, then strictly speaking you are an agnostic, not a 'weak atheist'. An atheist is, by definition, some who feels the evidence clearly shows there is no God.
does anyone have any interesting and helpful details regarding what this deprogramming involves?
we always here one should deprogram but what exactly does it involve what could be some useful tips to facilitate this process?
i was reading recently in the psychological studies of jung about the concept of the shadow the part of our mind that contains all the repressed and rejected material, some of it was rightly repressed (eg the desire to steal from, or otherwise harm innocent people) and some not.
Wow, whatever you've been reading sounds fascinating Greendawn. I would really be interested to read it too. Jungian was a strange one alright but he had some great insights & theories. Could you tell me where I can find read what you've been reading or send me a pm.
I think the trick to deprogramming is to adopt and reinforce a healthy new belief system. I found a lot of relief from becoming convinced that if Jehovah is a God of love, then there is no way he will destroy for all eternity most of humankind at some horrible, holocaustic Armageddon slaughter and if that is what Jehovah is going to do then I simply don't want anything to do with worshipping such a God or associating with people who imagine that is who God is. I also found great relief in becoming convinced that JW's can be rejected simply by virtue of their rotten fruitage alone...all the child abuse scandals, blood policy sacrificial deaths, cruel shunning, etc. I was set free by the epiphany that this is not an organisation based on love but fear, and therefore a God of love would not be behind such an organisation.
Being mentally and paradigmally changed by those epiphanies then set me free to feel like a normal human being again and start loving and adjusting to normal life again...just as a member of the human family, not as a brainwashed, fearful Watchtowerite.
is it a good thing to look for fault in everything the borg does?
are we clutching at straws sometimes in our efforts to strengthen our fight and fuel our anger?.
Yeah I think so. Most are chucking the baby out with the bathwater cuz I reckon the JW's do teach some excellent doctrines. However, because the WBTS is upholding wicked policies that are ruining and killing babies and children (awful blood polic and despicable child abuse policy) it is justifiable to be quite harsh and cynical.
my jw mom lives in nyc and she said that her cong.
gave out forms from the borg.they want to know where each person would go for refuge in case of a disaster like katrina.
it was suggested that each make arrangements to stay with a relative,(no objection to wordly company there), a friend,(yes, like they have any), or another jw who lives away from the city.
Nosey bastards. This is just another insidious way to get into JW's minds and emotions so they feel inseparably psychically bound to the Watchtower idol.
were you ever treated by the elders, their families and "the friends" in a way that made you feel you were unwanted?.
there's probably nothing worse than realizing that you are not being treated with the same dignity and love as others.
once we come out of the organization, we expect better but sadly the real world can be cruel too.
Yeah some of the eligible sisters in my congo kinda snubbed me in a new congo cuz I was missing meetings and there had been gossip about me being reproved and disfellowshipped (separate occasions) for fornication a few years earlier. Bitches lol.
oh, how many of us heard that we wouldn't make it to graduation or get married in this system?
i thought i wouldn't grow up.
no one talked about preparing for the future.
The WTBS is a monstrous energy vampire that sucks natural & healthy ambition away...
they've finally given me medication - i am on a low dosage now, usually its 20mg but i am 10mg to see how it goes and then step it up in a week if i feel i need more, but sometimes it can take a month before your body tells you whats happening anyway.. whoo.. had my first tablet this morning, didnt feel brilliant but at least i know i'm not rolling on the floor and stuff lol..
too much of that kind of medication can stuff you up even more in the long run dude. It's loaded with fluoride, for example, to dull certain parts of your brain/emotions. Work hard at other ways to get your mental balance.
My ny resolution was to stop surfing JW related websites for juicy goss about the org but so far I'm failing miserably